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The fight against disease and aging drawing ever increasing research grants will perhaps make biology the science of the 21st century. The success of the Human Genome Project, the advent of new technologies and the increasing computing power will certainly lead to a better understanding of the secret of life. The current global fight against the corona virus underlines the urgency and importance of research in the field of life science.

Here at Rtapalli, we focus on our students to have better understanding of the fundamentals of modern biology. Our alumni involved in research bring their experience and expertise to our class rooms. The following lecture videos for Class VI-VII students are prepared by Biswaprakash Mohanta, who is currently a PhD student at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA. The Human Physiology lectures are by Susanta Dash, a post-graduate student in surgery at AMU.

Biology Lecture 1 for Class VI and VII, May 13, 2020. In this lecture we explore life around us.

Biology Lecture 2 for Class VI and VII, May 21, 2020. We continue our discussion on diversity of life to study insects and honeybees. We try to understand how honeybees communicate with one another. We also try to see how life's design is full of symmetries.

Biology Lecture 3 for Class VI and VII, July 05, 2020. We discuss how organisms in the ecosystem are interlinked with each other in complex food webs. We look at the source of energy for organisms and how energy is transferred across the food-chains.

Human Physiology by Susanta Dash, Digestive System Part 1. May, 2021. We study human digestive system.

Human Physiology by Susanta Dash, Digestive System Part 2. May, 2021. We continue our study of human digestive system.

Human Physiology by Susanta Dash, Digestive System Part 3(1). June 11, 2021. We continue our study of human digestive system.

Human Physiology by Susanta Dash, Digestive System Part 3(2). June 11, 2021. We continue our study of human digestive system.

In a significant step in 2013, Rtapalli students (9th graders) took the first online EdX course offered by Prof. Eric Lander of MIT: MITx:700x Introduction to Biology- The Secret of Life. It generated tremendous enthusiasm for biology among our students.